Christopher Doering, ハフィントンポストを介しロイター
Some U.S. レギュレータは "麻痺した" 彼らのボトムラインを圧着するルールの展開を減速または停止しようとしているウォール街の企業からの訴訟の脅威によって, トップ米. 公式が明らかにした.
チルトンバート, a Democratic commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said if regulators live in fear of a lawsuit alleging they failed to consider sufficiently the costs and benefits of a rule, rulemaking slows or halts and opponents have succeeded.
レギュレータ, already months behind in implementing rules from the Dodd-Frank financial reform law passed in 2010, are bracing for additional legal challenges as more regulations are completed.
Insufficient or flawed analysis of the costs of a rule versus the benefits to the public or industry likely will be a reason cited in lawsuits seeking to overturn the measures.
"確かに, people have the right to go to court and challenge things," Chilton said at a financial conference in New York.
"But regulators need to keep our eye on the ball and not be scared into making rules and regulations weak or ineffective because we are overly concerned about what we call 'litigation risk'," 彼は言った, according to the text of his speech.
Chilton said the CFTC follows the proper requirements for assessing the cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The agency puts out a proposal, asks for comments and what the cost might be. いくつかのケースでは, the agency either is not provided with the costs of the regulation or the comments have no use.
"Those who criticize our CBAs should be required to provide … real, verifiable dollars and cents to rebut our analyses," 彼は言った.
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